Monday, March 29, 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Poverty is all around us, even in the 21st century. The hardest hit is Africa, and data shows that:
13,500 people around the world get infected with HIV/AIDS everyday
22,000 people around the world die from extreme poverty everyday
850 million people around the world go to bed hungry everyday
1 billion people around the world live on less than $1 a day
Poverty basically means that not being able to sustain oneself to get basic needs as medication, education, shelter and food. This should not be happening, especially when the world has the ability to change it. It is just not fair for us to live such a happy life and the poor people to suffer like that.
However, it is not hopeless. There are organizations such as the World bank that lends loans to poor countries without any interest, when the country has something reasonable to say about why they need money. It is still not enough. We cannot ask the government to do everything. We have to take actions by ourselves first, and fast, before it is too late.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Quote Pictures with explaination

My qoute is 'Your imagination is your preview of lifes coming.' so I chose this picture. These pictures are showing us about future city. Today human's technology became strong and also human's hopes were became real. So I think humans can make our world like this. Also when our world beoming a better place to live, then the poor people and poor countries will become a better place to live because if our world becomes a better than all the people's power and authority will be identification. So the world will not have any discrimination. And our world will be the one world

Quote Explaination

My quote is "Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming" by Albert Einstein that means our imagination is going to be exist. And also I think the our world and many people will have better life because most people want them have same life with them. Also the government are going to remove poor people and illiteracy in the world. So my qoute is trying to tell us about 'make a world better to live' that's why I choose this qoute for my blog title.